尽管腿部机器人的运动计划表现出了巨大的成功,但具有灵活的多指抓握的腿部机器人的运动计划尚未成熟。我们提出了一个有效的运动计划框架,用于同时解决运动(例如,质心动力学),抓地力(例如,贴片接触)和触点(例如步态)问题。为了加速计划过程,我们建议基于乘数的交替方向方法(ADMM)提出分布式优化框架,以求解原始的大型混合构成非整数非线性编程(MINLP)。最终的框架使用混合构成二次编程(MIQP)来求解联系人和非线性编程(NLP)来求解非线性动力学,这些动力学在计算方面更可行,对参数较不敏感。此外,我们通过微蜘蛛抓手从极限表面明确执行补丁接触约束。我们在硬件实验中演示了我们提出的框架,这表明多限制机器人能够实现各种动作,包括在斜坡角度45 {\ deg}的情况下进行较短的计划时间。
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本文介绍了Scalucs,这是一种四足动物,该机器人在地上,悬垂和天花板上爬上攀爬,并在地面上爬行。 Scaleer是最早的自由度四束机器人之一,可以在地球的重力下自由攀爬,也是地面上最有效的四足动物之一。在其他最先进的登山者专门攀登自己的地方,Scaleer承诺使用有效载荷\ Textit {和}地面运动实践自由攀爬,这实现了真正的多功能移动性。新的攀登步态滑冰步态通过利用缩放器的身体连锁机制来增加有效载荷。 Scaleer在地面上达到了最大归一化的运动速度,即$ 1.87 $ /s,$ 0.56 $ m /s,$ 1.2 $ /min,或$ 0.42 $ m /min /min的岩石墙攀爬。有效载荷能力达到地面上缩放器重量的233美元,垂直墙上的$ 35 $%。我们的山羊抓手是一种机械适应的两指抓手,成功地抓住了凸凸和非凸的对象,并支持缩放器。
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This study proposes novel control methods that lower impact force by preemptive movement and smoothly transition to conventional contact impedance control. These suggested techniques are for force control-based robots and position/velocity control-based robots, respectively. Strong impact forces have a negative influence on multiple robotic tasks. Recently, preemptive impact reduction techniques that expand conventional contact impedance control by using proximity sensors have been examined. However, a seamless transition from impact reduction to contact impedance control has not yet been accomplished. The proposed methods utilize a serial combined impedance control framework to solve this problem. The preemptive impact reduction feature can be added to the already implemented impedance controller because the parameter design is divided into impact reduction and contact impedance control. There is no undesirable contact force during the transition. Furthermore, even though the preemptive impact reduction employs a crude optical proximity sensor, the influence of reflectance is minimized using a virtual viscous force. Analyses and real-world experiments confirm these benefits.
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The modern dynamic and heterogeneous network brings differential environments with respective state transition probability to agents, which leads to the local strategy trap problem of traditional federated reinforcement learning (FRL) based network optimization algorithm. To solve this problem, we propose a novel Differentiated Federated Reinforcement Learning (DFRL), which evolves the global policy model integration and local inference with the global policy model in traditional FRL to a collaborative learning process with parallel global trends learning and differential local policy model learning. In the DFRL, the local policy learning model is adaptively updated with the global trends model and local environment and achieves better differentiated adaptation. We evaluate the outperformance of the proposal compared with the state-of-the-art FRL in a classical CartPole game with heterogeneous environments. Furthermore, we implement the proposal in the heterogeneous Space-air-ground Integrated Network (SAGIN) for the classical traffic offloading problem in network. The simulation result shows that the proposal shows better global performance and fairness than baselines in terms of throughput, delay, and packet drop rate.
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Telework "avatar work," in which people with disabilities can engage in physical work such as customer service, is being implemented in society. In order to enable avatar work in a variety of occupations, we propose a mobile sales system using a mobile frozen drink machine and an avatar robot "OriHime", focusing on mobile customer service like peddling. The effect of the peddling by the system on the customers are examined based on the results of video annotation.
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Our team, Hibikino-Musashi@Home (the shortened name is HMA), was founded in 2010. It is based in the Kitakyushu Science and Research Park, Japan. We have participated in the RoboCup@Home Japan open competition open platform league every year since 2010. Moreover, we participated in the RoboCup 2017 Nagoya as open platform league and domestic standard platform league teams. Currently, the Hibikino-Musashi@Home team has 20 members from seven different laboratories based in the Kyushu Institute of Technology. In this paper, we introduce the activities of our team and the technologies.
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